What You Should Know Before Buying Bifold Doors
Bifold or folding doors create a way to open your home up to the outdoors. These unique doors create airflow through your house and provide views of the nature that surrounds it. They open up by sliding on a track to one side of the room, giving the room more space and creating appeal. Bifold doors are perfect for those who enjoy outdoor living and hosting social gatherings, making it easy to combine those things with still being at home.
While bifold doors can be on the expensive side, this elegant system can increase the value of your home while heightening its look. Before deciding whether or not a bifold door is right for your home, consider the following facts about this unique door system.
Materials for Bifold Doors
There are many popular materials that bifold doors can be made from, including wood, vinyl, aluminum, and fiberglass. You must also consider specific colors and styles when choosing the material for your bifold door. Bifold doors are typically used as patio doors, so they must be weather and air leak resistant.
Fiberglass and aluminum are the most durable choice for bifold doors. They can withstand the weather, are more affordable, and are low maintenance. Some manufacturers can even create a grainy wood look on fiberglass so that you can have that traditional look of a door without using wood.
Top-Hung and Bottom Rolling Bifold Doors
While bifold doors come as both top-hung and bottom rolling, the bottom rolling ones often seem to be the most sustainable choice. Bottom rolling bifold doors are easy to install and remain stable because of their lowered center of gravity. Top-hung doors can be unstable because their weight is constantly pulling them down, and they require a sturdy beam overhead to bear that weight. As long as you maintain a clean track, your bottom rolling bifold door will be easy to use.
Bifold Door Track Thresholds
A bifold door moves along top and bottom tracks when opened and closed. There are three different kinds of track thresholds that a bifold door can operate on:
On-floor, low threshold sills create a slightly raised floor toward the track to prevent water from getting into the path.
On-floor drainage sills resemble a typically raised door frame.
Flush sills lay entirely flat on the floor, creating a smooth floor level where the door sits. Commonly flush sills are used where water leakage is not a concern.
Common Problems with Bifold Doors
With everything that goes into creating a home, there could be issues that bifold doors might raise. You should consider the common problems before settling on installing a bifold door.
View obstruction occurs when the bifold door is closed because of its many frames. Certain materials, like aluminum, can limit view obstruction.
Drainage issues might occur, especially with flush thresholds. The experts who install your bifold door can discuss with you the best way to avoid water buildup.
Sliding trouble can occur when dirt, leaves, and water remain in the door’s tracks.

Security isn’t something to be worried about when you have bifold doors. They come with multi-point locking systems with a primary lock on the outswing door. When closed, the panels lock into the sills to ensure that your home remains secure.
When you are ready to add a bifold patio door to your home, contact Bill Morris Contracting at (805) 302-9575. Doors are one of our specialties, and we would love to help you install an entryway that elevates your home.